
Welcome to my writing blog, where I'll write about....whatever pleases me. But really, you'll find my poetry, quotes, snippets of stories, and recounts of things I've learned about writing and would like to share (because I like sharing, and information sharing can be quite invaluable). So, come on in, sit back, browse around, and let your mind wander through poetry and other musings of this writer. :)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Submitting Poetry

I wanted to share a blog I read today - some good tips on submitting poetry.

In my experience, if you have a certain style of writing that you really enjoy, search for a publication that fits your style, rather than trying to conform your poetry to something that you might not enjoy writing.  After all, as an artist, creating poetry, you have to be happy with your own creation before it can truly be appreciated by someone else. 

Searching for that "right fit" can be a daunting task, but it's so worth it when you find it.  Sometimes, it's just a matter of asking the Universe to point you in the right direction :)

Happy writing!

"Be inspired to create what you imagine." ~Linda Spencer

Sunday, January 6, 2013

It's Snowing Again at Ridgeview

IT's snowing again...and I'm dancing with the music blaring from the speakers, as the snow flakes dance to the ground.  Join me in the dance :)

Snow Fairies
(©Linda Spencer, 2011)
Snow fairies are dancing in the sky,
And what a beautiful dance it is -
Swirling, twirling all all about,
Eventually landing on the ground.
Not a care do they have,
Those snow fairies many.
All they do is dance, and dance plenty -
Quickly, slowly, waiting for the wind’s direction.
By the millions they come down,
And sometime even float up, and circle ‘round.
Could watch them for hours, if not for things to do;
Join them even, into the midnight hours
As they dance to Nature’s song -
Laughing, and dancing all the while.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Welcoming 2013 and Reflecting on 2012

January 1 - here it is - a brand new year, a brand new day, just like any other day - a chance to start over, create something new, do something special, change yourself, change a life.  It really doesn't take much - have the idea/goal, set the intention, and take action.

I've been reading and meditating a lot lately, in search of answers, in search of myself and what's right for me.  Today, as I reflect on 2012, and prepare myself to jump into 2013 with my eyes wide open (as well as my heart, mind and soul), I wonder why it took me so long to do this - why didn't I have my eyes wide open before?  Then, I realize, it doesn't really matter.  It only matters that I'm open now, and that I'm ready to take the leap.  I'm awake and ready to live in openness now, today, tomorrow, and every day thereafter.

2012 was a challenging year to say the least, but it was also an insightful year in which I grew more than I ever thought or imagined possible.  The last year brought challenges to almost every aspect of my life - taking the first three months off to care for my newly disabled husband, bringing with it financial, work and relationship challenges.  In those months, I found opportunities to improve my health, to improve my relationship with my husband and children, to start making jewellery, to write more, to read more, to do more of the things that I loved to do but never had the time while working a full-time salaried job.

In the months that followed, after I returned to work, I was presented with a whole new set of challenges, along with old challenges that returned with respect to juggling work and family obligations and new commitments with LS@Ridgeview Designs and writing classes.  With these challenges, I began to see even more opportunities.  And so began my change in view on challenges - instead of seeing them as something to complain about, I started seeing them as opportunities for change, and for growth - personal and spiritual growth, growth in my network, growth in my friendships. Along with designing and creating jewellery, in 2012, I started writing a book, joined a writing group, started this blog, renewed my tenure as a contributing poet to Sibella Poetry Magazine for another year, took a trip to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico (my first trip outside of North America on my own) where I read my poetry in front of an international audience (although not the first time I've presented and to a much larger crowd, it was the first time I recited poetry publicly), met A LOT of interesting and inspirational people who will forever be in my heart, and grew my personal network exponentially (NEVER underestimate the value of SOCIAL CAPITAL).  I read poetry again in front of many strangers at a friend's book launch.  I grew significantly in my spiritual being, and I will be eternally grateful to all who contributed to that growth (they know who they are).  I witnessed some spectacular views of the sun that I had never seen before in my 39 years, and had the opportunity to capture them.

A spectacular view on my way to work - Dec 28, 2012.  Miracles DO happen - just open your eyes to see them!
Even with all these challenges, opportunities and accomplishments in 2012 for which I am eternally grateful, I feel that I have only scratched the surface of what will come to be.  As I look forward to 2013, I'm excited for what it will bring into every aspect of my life.

Happy 2013 to everyone!  I wish you all many blessings in your life <3