
Welcome to my writing blog, where I'll write about....whatever pleases me. But really, you'll find my poetry, quotes, snippets of stories, and recounts of things I've learned about writing and would like to share (because I like sharing, and information sharing can be quite invaluable). So, come on in, sit back, browse around, and let your mind wander through poetry and other musings of this writer. :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What Inspires You? For me, it's Dragonflies and Fall...

Don't you just love fall?  With the smell of fallen leaves, the bright colors of red, orange and yellow littering the forest floors tantalizing your senses?  Getting the chance to harvest apples and pumpkins for yummy pies?  Mmmm...this is my favorite time of year...it's also when we have an influx of dragonflies visiting Ridgeview.  These little jewels fly around our heads and rest on a bush, ledge or even the walkway.  It's no wonder I chose the dragonfly as the symbol for Ridgeview and for Ridgeview Designs - they're so present here.  They've inspired me both in life and in writing - as can be seen in this month's issue of Sibyl Magazine, where you'll find my poem "Dragonfly" on page 27, along with photo credits for my sweetie pie, Steve Di Monte (Change Your Life Photography) for taking the cover shot of this issue - of a very beautiful model who has inspired me as a single mom and friend...my cousin, Patti.

This month's issue would have been my last, had it not been for Sibyl deciding to add a special issue for December, for which I will be submitting my final poem for Sibyl Magazine.  I am grateful to my Sibyl audience of the last three years for their readership and support, and I look forward to having future issues come in my in-box every month thereafter (especially when I get to see my sweetheart's work on the cover!).

Besides Nature and Dragonflies, the beauty of the changing seasons inspire me greatly - in writing, in photography, in decorating and creating new jewelry.  I look forward to seeing where this season's inspiration takes me (besides Italy, where I am right now, for the next two weeks, gathering all kinds of inspiration!).  I wonder, what inspires you?
copyright: Linda J. Spencer, 2014
(©Linda J. Spencer)

Here, on the grounds of Ridgeview
The dragonfly hovers close to me
And finds his seat upon a post.
This jewel-red, warrior of water and sky,
Watching, curious, tilting his head
Breaking down the illusion of control
Seeing the truth that is – 
There is no control – only flow.

It is here that he plays the light
Through his translucent wings – 
Wings of flight – power to fly forward,
To carry him high in every direction he goes
Mastering the life in flight – 
Strength, courage,
Change, transcendence,
Perseverance, completion.

He turns his head toward me
Tossing a smile with his eyes, nodding
He sees the dreams that play in my head
Observing, never judging
I reach out to graze his wing,
Hoping to capture the essence of his plight
Smiling, communing
He nods to me, and once again takes flight.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Smart Strategy to Focus Your Writing

Ever get the feeling of overwhelm with the number of ideas you have coming into your head?

Recently, I've been thinking about writing strategies.  With two blogs, two businesses, poetry, and a number of book ideas, I'm finding myself getting overwhelmed by the magnitude of writing ideas I have and that I'm not actually moving forward with anything...yet. 

However, I think I've found an effective way to focus my writing...
Earlier this week, I was listening to a business webinar about focused strategy, where the speaker spoke about a way of sifting through entrepreneurial ideas to get focused and make progress in fulfilling those ideas.  In thinking of applying these principles to my businesses, I realized that the same strategies (slightly modified) could also be applied to my writing ideas, so that I could actually prioritize them, get focused and make progress. 

At the heart of these strategies is the idea of getting out of the "noise" of the "should do's", and instead, aligning your ideas with your purpose or vision.  So, the first question to ask is:  What is your purpose?  Why are you writing this book/blog/newsletter?  What are you trying to achieve? 

Having your vision or purpose in mind gives you focus and helps you sift through your ideas and choose the ones that align with your vision or purpose.  Further, having that vision written and in front of you (I have it taped to the inside of the front cover of my notebooks - one book for each writing platform - where I draft all my writing, and refer to my purpose whenever I sit down to get writing) will help you come up with the ideas that are focused on your vision. 

For example, with this blog, my purpose/vision is to share my experiences and my insights into the writing process,  and  to share pieces that I have published.  Now, since refocusing on this purpose, I have developed a writing schedule and topics list for the next 4 blog entries...that should make the process flow more smoothly and consistently, and actually allow me to write even more in a focused amount of time. 

What are the strategies that are working for you?  I would love to hear from you. 

Happy writing!!!

Friday, August 1, 2014

It's My Turn! (so, the email said :))

I'm so thrilled and honoured to be featured on the cover of the Aug/Sept 2014 issue of Sibyl Magazine that was released early this morning!  What a surprise and honour when I received an email from Sibyl English about the cover, and "It's Your Turn" in the comments box.  It was the same day they previewed the cover to the featured writers, along with a message of some great changes they've made to the magazine, including merging Sibella Poetry Magazine into Sibyl Magazine (the flagship publication that was released 5 years prior to Sibella).  I am honoured that my poems have been featured in Sibella Poetry Magazine for the last 3 years, and now in the newly merged Sibyl Magazine (an on-line publication with over 24,000 subscribers internationally).  I have watched this publication grow and get better and better, and enjoy reading the articles and poems in each and every issue - cover to cover.  Thanks you Sibyl for your continued love and support.  I cherish the work that you are doing and am eternally grateful for the platform you have given me to share my words.
 Sibyl Magazine
Check out the new issue of Sibyl Magazine with my poem "SUN-SETS AND SUN-RISES" on page 6...along with photo credits to my sweetie Steve Di Monte of Change Your Life Photography....the "or better" of being featured on the cover of a magazine - having that photo shot by your sweetie <3

This poem reminds us that as life changes and has its ups and downs, a new day always dawns new possibilities - as it certainly has for me.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Success of Love

Heart shaped crystals embedded in Bell Rock, Sedona, AZ
"Love conquers all", so the saying goes....and I must attest that I believe this to be true.  I have experienced first hand how love has healed my wounds - physical and emotional, those on the surface, and those in the depths of my soul.  I have seen it in my children, in friends and family (especially my soul family), and even strangers.

March came to an end with my return from a most expansive trip of LOVE to Sedona, Arizona with a group of people whom I've fallen in love with, and the publication of my poem "The Success of Love" in Sibella Poetry Magazine.  The synchronicity of the trip, to my poem, to a Wide Awakening message I received yesterday are amazing.  The trip was one of love and deep remembering.  The Wide Awakening message was one of courage (click on the link to read it yourself), remembering and leaving a wake of love.  My poem holds a message of the success of love - the amount of joy you’ve created with your heart. <3  
How do you measure success?

The Success of Love
(©Linda J. Spencer, 2013)

What is success?
Is there ever only one definition? Or infinite possibilities?

Is it making millions of dollars tucked away that you’ll never spend?
Having luxury cars in the driveway that you never drive?
Living in a big house so large that you could avoid its fellow occupants,
With manicured lawns, tennis courts and a pool?
Or is it the number of trophies and medals hanging on the wall?
Or the diamond jewellery adorning pricey manicured hands?

What about the smile you put on a co-worker's face,
As you give them a cup of their favourite coffee, just because?
What about teaching your child to tie his shoes
And the excitement he shows when he finally does it by himself?
And what about the collaboration of collecting hundreds of bags of clothing
For a community ravaged by fires or floods?
Or filling a community centre with youth who would otherwise be walking the streets?
And what about when you’ve taught someone to show love and respect for all creation?

Maybe success isn’t measured in dollars and cents,
But in the amount of joy you’ve created with your heart.

Please visit the April/May issue of Sibella Poetry Magazine to see the full collection of poems with my fellow contributors (www.sibellapoetry.com).  Happy Spring to you ALL! xox

Friday, January 31, 2014

River Dance

My second poem of the 2014 season published in the Winter (Feb/Mar2014) issue of Sibella Poetry Magazine...inspired by a creative writing exercise with my Georgetown Wordsmiths, focused on a water theme.  A few days before this exercise, I saw an image of the Earth's water ways, comparing it to the human brain and to a tree's root system.  Always from the heart, I thought of these images as the words poured out.  This one makes my heart dance <3

River Dance
© Linda J. Spencer

Like the arterial system of the human body
Earth’s rivers flow endless like veins across its surface,
Pulsing and breathing life into itself.

copyright 2013, Linda J. SpencerRain falls down from the heavens
And fills the rivers of life,
To continue their journey through eternity.

Like the tears we shed to release our pain
And cleanse our souls,
Rain is Mother Nature’s cleansing of the Earth.

And in the rain we dance,
Letting Mother Nature’s tears fall upon us -
Kissing our face, releasing our fears and sorrows.

As we dance along these rivers,
Our hearts pulse, filled with life;
Our bodies flow and our minds let go of control.

In this dance, we are witness to Earth’s miracles
And fall in love with Nature’s gifts -
The endless flow of life.

As we still our minds and feel with our hearts,
Through this dance we see the truth -
That we are one with all that is.

It is here, as we dance,
That we discover our own journey is endless –
Flowing freely to the end of time.

Our lives are like the rivers of the earth - ever flowing, ever changing - the journey is truly endless and is ours to enjoy fully in the moment.  Love and blessings <3