
Welcome to my writing blog, where I'll write about....whatever pleases me. But really, you'll find my poetry, quotes, snippets of stories, and recounts of things I've learned about writing and would like to share (because I like sharing, and information sharing can be quite invaluable). So, come on in, sit back, browse around, and let your mind wander through poetry and other musings of this writer. :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Success of Love

Heart shaped crystals embedded in Bell Rock, Sedona, AZ
"Love conquers all", so the saying goes....and I must attest that I believe this to be true.  I have experienced first hand how love has healed my wounds - physical and emotional, those on the surface, and those in the depths of my soul.  I have seen it in my children, in friends and family (especially my soul family), and even strangers.

March came to an end with my return from a most expansive trip of LOVE to Sedona, Arizona with a group of people whom I've fallen in love with, and the publication of my poem "The Success of Love" in Sibella Poetry Magazine.  The synchronicity of the trip, to my poem, to a Wide Awakening message I received yesterday are amazing.  The trip was one of love and deep remembering.  The Wide Awakening message was one of courage (click on the link to read it yourself), remembering and leaving a wake of love.  My poem holds a message of the success of love - the amount of joy you’ve created with your heart. <3  
How do you measure success?

The Success of Love
(©Linda J. Spencer, 2013)

What is success?
Is there ever only one definition? Or infinite possibilities?

Is it making millions of dollars tucked away that you’ll never spend?
Having luxury cars in the driveway that you never drive?
Living in a big house so large that you could avoid its fellow occupants,
With manicured lawns, tennis courts and a pool?
Or is it the number of trophies and medals hanging on the wall?
Or the diamond jewellery adorning pricey manicured hands?

What about the smile you put on a co-worker's face,
As you give them a cup of their favourite coffee, just because?
What about teaching your child to tie his shoes
And the excitement he shows when he finally does it by himself?
And what about the collaboration of collecting hundreds of bags of clothing
For a community ravaged by fires or floods?
Or filling a community centre with youth who would otherwise be walking the streets?
And what about when you’ve taught someone to show love and respect for all creation?

Maybe success isn’t measured in dollars and cents,
But in the amount of joy you’ve created with your heart.

Please visit the April/May issue of Sibella Poetry Magazine to see the full collection of poems with my fellow contributors (www.sibellapoetry.com).  Happy Spring to you ALL! xox

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